Goblin Gambit update and difficulty thoughts

This update has a couple minor quality of life fixes around improving the UI and providing a slightly increased difficulty curve.

Lets get into the changes below:
 - The menu border was visible for a fraction of a second when the board was being moved out of the way, this didn't affect gameplay at all but felt unpolished, so now that's no longer visible during the transition. I'd like to say I came up with a funky clever trick to get rid of it, but  I just attached a black box to the board's right, hiding it. The game is hardly that intensive to run and this should affect performance much anyway.

 - Level completion bonus points are now dependant on lives left. I felt like the game needed a way to differentiate more skillful play better and so have split the bonus points in 2. A flat bonus of +20 points for beating the level, and a 10 points for each spare live you have left. This will total a little more than previously if you have all your lives (or bonus lives), but on average should mean people are getting a bit less bonus points overall.

- The green and red columns now update when you reveal the board. This was suggested to me by the commenter Ahai64 and was a fantastic idea. It should now be much easier to use these columns/rows to assess how many goblins and points are available in each tile.


GoblinGambit 6.1
Mar 03, 2023

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